The students of the Rotary Interact Club of Cumberland High School are proud to announce that they are hosting a Spring Yard Sale on Saturday, April 7th from 9 AM to 12 PM in the parking lot next to the Sher-Le-Mon Swim Club in Cumberland. We are accepting donations of gently used goods to be sold at the Yard Sale. If you are interested in making a donation, please come to the Sher-Le-Mon Swim Club either Tuesday, March 27th from 2:30-3:30, or Saturday, March 31st from 10-12. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Hasbro Children's Hospital as well as our international project, the Nepal Orphans Home. Each year, the Interact Club must organize one event that benefits an international organization of our choice. This year, the club has decided to honor the Nepal Orphans Home.
This organization was founded in 2005 by Florida native Michael Hess. Michael traveled to Nepal for the first time in 2004 and as soon as he got there, he knew that Nepal needed his help. He decided to come back to the United States, sell all of his belongings, and open an orphanage in the Kathmandu to provide the poor neglected children a home, food, and an education. He began his organization with one home in Kathmandu taking in 12 children. Nepal Orphans Home has grown steadily and now has 5 different homes and cares for 140 boys and girls. Over half of the girls at Nepal Orphans Home were previously sold into the Kamlari System, which is a form of indentured servitude affecting females in Nepal. The organization also supports a number of outreach programs stretching all over the country, including assisting with baby orphanages, supplying fruit to the local children's cancer hospital, and providing earthquake relief to people who are still struggling to rebuild. Nepal Orphans Home also recently opened the Chelsea Education and Community Center where they offer vocational courses for women in Kathmandu.
Thanks to our generous donors, we have already raised enough money to send over a laptop computer to a child in need. With your help, we can raise even more money to benefit this organization. Please join us at our event on April 7th. Also remember to drop off your donations on Tuesday, March 27th from 2:30-3:30 or on Saturday, March 31st from 10-12. We appreciate all of your support.
Thank you from the Rotary Club of Cumberland Lincoln.