Today we welcomed District Governor Steve Albright and his wife Jill to lunch. Steve met with the executive board prior to the meeting where he reviewed the goals for our club in 2019-2020.
Today we welcomed District Governor Steve Albright and his wife Jill to lunch. Steve met with the executive board prior to the meeting where he reviewed the goals for our club in 2019-2020. At the general meeting he spoke about Membership as a significant challenge facing Rotary. His personal goal is to turn around the 25 year decline in membership in District 7950. He challenged us and our Membership chair Amy Vogel to bring on at least 2 new members in this rotary year.
Governor Steve also spoke about engaging youth through Interact and Rotaract programs. These are excellent programs to recruit new members to the club. He challenged us to look at every part of our meeting. Are we doing things that are no longer relevant to todays modern world. Are we offering enough activities for them to want to be involved.
He reminded us that we all still should strive to make a donation to the Rotary Foundation. The Foundation donations Are going to the effort for Polio eradication. Only 82 cases of polio have been reported in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Let’s make this a priority.