Sponsor Opportunities
Lead Sponsor                                                                                                                       $1,000
  • Lead sponsor recognition on all collateral materials
  • Logo/Name on signage at event
  • “Thank You” announcement at the event
  • Logo/Name recognition on Cumberland-Lincoln Rotary Website and Social Media
Half-mile Sponsor                                                                                                                    $500
  • Logo/Name on signage at event
  • “Thank you” announcements at the event
  • Logo/Name recognition on Cumberland-Lincoln Rotary Website and Social Media
Quarter-mile Sponsor                                                                                                              $250
  • Logo/Name on signage at event
  • “Thank You” announcement at the event
Friend of Rotary Sponsor                                                                                                        $100
  • “Thank you” announcement at the event
If you prefer to send a check please follow the instructions below:
Please note this donation is tax deductible through our Rotary District 7950 Foundation!  Tax ID # is 87-2767537
You may mail this form to the address below and make your check payable to:  Rotary District 7950 Foundation, Inc, c/o Robert Mascali 194 Old Main Road North Falmouth, MA 02556 (Please include the following info when sending your check).
For:  Cumberland-Lincoln Rotary Club – A special Day for Special Dog
Business Name:
Phone Number: